Recreation Articles
Sign Up for Hunter Education Classes
Hunter and Bowhunter Education courses are underway around the state, so get set for the 2014 spring gobbler season.
Wild NH Day set for April 19 by NH Fish & Game
See live animals, big fish and trained falcons. Try your hand at archery, casting, fly-tying and B-B gun shooting. Admission is free.
Loon Mountain Debuts Ice Castle
Builders hope frozen fortress walls will grow to 40 feet high.
NH Fish & Game Offers Outdoors-Woman Winter Workshop
Registration open for workshop to be held February 15 in Holderness.
Northern NH Ski Deals
What they are and where to find them!
VT-NH-Maine Reciprocal Snowmobile Weekend Announced
Snowmobile enthusiasts will have a chance to explore some new territory the weekend of January 31-February 2, 2014
Where We Hide All the Winter Fun!
Some of the better AND lesser known activities for you to enjoy!
Northern NH's Big Ski Areas
Whatever your interest, NH surely has it!
Northern NH's Little Ski Areas
Great snow, good times and GREAT savings!
Loon Mountain Resort Offers Diverse Spring Schedule
Thanks to abundant natural snowfall and 100 percent open terrain, Loon Mountain is gearing up for an epic spring of skiing and riding. Events include the Governor's Cup, a Cardboard Box Race, '80s Day, and the ever popular Slushpool Party.
NHF&G Offer Women's Deep Sea Fishing Adventure
"Becoming An Outdoor Woman" Event Registration Opens
NHF&G Aquires Boat Access Site on Winnipesaukee
Department purchases private marina known as Downing's Landing!
NHF&G Archery Leagues
Create or improve your archery skills with these FREE leagues!
Record Setting Columbus Day Weekend Expected!
615,000 Visitors Expected to Spend $88 Million In New Hampshire This 2012 Holiday Weekend
Home Finances
FREE Christmas Trees
Learn how you can choose the prettiest, freshest Christmas on the planet. ($5 permit fee applies.)
Lifestyle Articles
When Your House Goes to Auction: Don't Go Down Without A Fight
What can you do to make a difference? Bake bread, of course!
Dreamscapes from Thin Air 
Remembering the work of Berlin balloon artist Richard Fecteau.
The Art and The Science: The Work of Dr. Stephen A. Kull 
Dr. Kull began painting to fulfill a need: "I had a big empty space on my wall to fill, so I thought I would cover it with a huge painting".
Young Entrepreneurs Earn Their Summer Vacation The Old Fashioned Way: A Lemonade Stand
We're on Sullivan Street in Berlin, and a cool drink would hit the spot. That's when we find the Goulet children, armed with ice, plastic cups, and containers of lemonade.